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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Beginners Guide to Desktop Modding

Beginners Guide to Desktop Modding

1. I'm not responsible if you mess up your registry and your computer decides to no longer work. just so you know, do all of these things at your own hazard.
2. Guides are taken from other guide scattered in the forum and other forums.


So you went to customize.org and you saw the most badass desktop ever and you want to know how it's done right? now that you realize that posting a comment saying "great screenshot, how did you do this?" doesn't get you anywhere, this tutorial will attempt to reveal to you the basic steps of desktop customization in windows and point you in the right direction as to where to achieve more advanced effects.

Enabling WinXP to use 3rd party themes:

Universal UXTheme Patcher:
The UXTheme Patcher allows you to use any 3rd party msstyle theme on Windows XP/SP1/SP2 by patching the uxtheme.dll (dynamic link library).

Download UXTheme Multi-Patcher

Download visual style from any of these site:
- Neowin.net: Completed Visual Styles
- deviantART: Visual Styles
- Customize.org: XP VisualStyles

After you have downloaded the visual styles; usually in zip format; extract it to c:\windows\resources\themes\

Right click desktop > properties > appearance tab, select the visual style you just installed.

Another method is to use WindowBlinds; download here; also 30 days trial.
You can get themes for WindowBlinds from WinCustomize


As you may have guessed, your desktop background or "wallpaper" is integral to the overall look of your desktop theme.

A good rule of thumb for wallpapers is to always use one that has a solidly colored area so you can place your icons and other desktop elements without interfering with the wallpaper's focal point. This becomes a problem sometimes when you're using a wallpaper that has a lot of three dimensional work and doesn't really leave room for a blank area. This might require you to edit the wallpaper a bit to your liking and may be more trouble than it's worth.

some good resources for wallpapers are:

- customize.org
- deviantart.com
- Pixelgirl
- Mac OS X wallpapers
- MobiusCo
- Mandolux
- MagnetStudio
- Vladstudio
- WallpaperStock 

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